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The X Factor: Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome
The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors predicting diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which could affect up to a quarter of adults in the UK. Preventing and treating obesity is central to public health policy to control this epidemic.

Some evidence suggests that the typical Western diet of nutrient-poor, high fat, refined-carbohydrate rich, low-fibre foods can trigger the development of insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. Others believe that it is a lack of fitness that really matters. What are the real causes? What are the true health risks and implications for public health? How can clinical managers tackle this potentially lethal cocktail of risk factors?

Speakers at this forum included:
Dr Nick Wareham, Wellcome Trust senior fellow, Cambridge University
Dr Susan Jebb, Head of Nutrition and Health Research, Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Research Centre and a state registered dietician
Professor Peter Kopelman, Barts & The London, Queen Mary, University of London

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