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How to book
Notes about booking online

  • Please complete all fields marked with an asterisk (*)
  • Choose a type of ticket (or select Individual events)
  • Choose a payment option. If you require an invoice you must provide a purchase order number
  • If you are not a member of the BA, we would be grateful if you could answer the questions in the Additional info section
When you submit this information you will go through to a list of all events.
Click on the name of the event or ‘Info’ to find out more about the event.
  • If you know which day the event you want to book is on then select the date from the top of the page. Otherwise browse through the list.
  • If you are booking for a event at the university which lasts all day you will need to book both the morning and afternoon sessions for the event.
  • If you have ordered a full week or day ticket, any event included in your ticket will have the word ‘Included’ in the ‘Ticket’ column. If there is a box, you must book (and pay for if necessary) the number of tickets you require for these events.
  • At the end of each page, you must add any events you have booked on that page to your basket by clicking on the ‘Add to basket’ button at the bottom of the page before going on to look at more events.
  • Check that the details are correct
  • Then either click on ‘Additional events’ at the top of the page to continue browsing and booking more events or click Complete 
  • If you are paying by credit card you will then be taken through to the Worldpay secure payment site
  • Click here to go to the booking form