Some scientists think the Universe started with a huge explosion called The Big Bang. At that very instant, everything from space and time, to matter and energy was forced into existence. The Big Bang is an amazing theory, but cosmologists (scientists who study the Universe on its largest scale) have found a lot of evidence that it is correct.
Have you ever wondered what The Big Bang was?
You might like to …
• create a PowerPoint presentation outlining the main features of The Big Bang
• draw a long timeline of the story of the Universe from the Big Bang to the Present; this would be particularly good if you could design it to run down one long corridor of your school or college (you can see an animated timeline at )
• find out how particle physics helps explain the construction of the Universe; find out what the “Standard Model” is; try to explain the terms Quark and Lepton
• visit the CERN website (), the European laboratory for particle physics, to see a particle accelerator in action; find out how these help scientists explain the Big Bang.