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FAQs about BA CREST Awards
Do I have to pay to join the CREST network?
No, CREST is a bit different from our other award schemes.  First Investigators, Young Investigators and Science Communicators awards are BA membership schemes - when you register for the scheme, you become a member of the BA, and get benefits of being part of the BA's network, as well as your activity pack.  These three schemes are supported by BA Regional Officers.

CREST is a bit different - you don't have to join the network, you just pay for each student who registers for an award.  CREST awards are supported by CREST regional managers, all of whom work at SETPOINTs.

How can I find out more about CREST?
Visit the CREST pages of our website, where you will find lots of information about the awards

How do I register for CREST?
Contact your CREST regional manager who will be able to help you.