Conference Report
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Day 1, 22 May
10.00 Opening remarks
Chair: Professor Helen Haste - Department of Psychology, University of Bath
10.05 Keynote address: Sir Paul Nurse - Chief Executive, Cancer Research UK
A 10 year vision for science communication: interacting with publics about science and issues involving science
10.25 Discussion
11.00 Refreshments
11.30 Session 1: Citizenship and science
The first session of the conference will address the theme—citizenship— that is reflected throughout the conference (consultations, reaching new audiences, different perspectives, inclusiveness). The session will specifically discuss the role of citizens in helping shape policy and research agendas and will provide an example of ways in which citizen voices can be heard in an open exchange.
Professor Alan Irwin - Brunel University
Scientific citizenship in a changing world
Dr David Boak - The Royal Society & Dr Tom Wakeford - University of Newcastle
The Royal Society’s People’s Science Summit and speaking out meetings – models for involving the public in policy making
12.00 Discussion
12.45 Lunch
Chair: Professor Robert Worcester - Chair of MORI
14.15 Session 2: ‘Science in society’ consultation
The BA was commissioned to recommend a process to assess whether the wide range of science communication activities across the UK is meeting the needs and interests of the public and to support collaborations and networking among the organisations involved in these activities. An overview of the OST’s response to the BA’s report will be provided prior to an open discussion, which will be summarised and fed into the OST’s consultation process.
Dr Barbara Knowles - Office of Science and Technology
Science in society: the OST's perspective
14.30 Discussion
Summarised and submitted to OST as part of the consultation process
15.30 Refreshments
16.00 Session 3: Different perspectives
The three speakers presenting in this session are each involved in dealing with different perspectives: consultation processes, representation in mass media, and inclusion of lay expertise. The session will focus on how issues in contemporary science, how they are communicated and how different perspectives—both expert and lay expert—are reported, expressed and shared among different stakeholders and publics.
Tor Lezemore - Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Who should the Nuffield Council on Bioethics consult and why?
Pallab Ghosh - BBC
Covering controversy: behind the headline
Dr Anne Kerr - University of York
When is a citizen and expert, and when is an expert a citizen?
16.30 Discussion
17.15 End day 1
Day 2, 23 May
09.15 Welcome and opening remarks
Chair: Dr Gill Samuels CBE - Senior Director, Science Policy & Scientific Affairs, Pfizer
09.20 Keynote address: Dr Alan Friedman Director, New York Hall of Science
Missions and media: how much can science museum exhibitions be expected to accomplish?
09.45 Discussion
10.15 Session 4: Inclusiveness – reaching new audiences with new approaches
The science communication community is aware of the need to broaden participation and are actively attempting to reach new audiences. How are other communities addressing inclusiveness? This session will reflect the work and strategies of other organisations and those recommended by the Campaign for Racial Equality.
Trevor Phillips - Chair of Commission for Racial Equality
Are there colour bars in a digital universe?
10.35 Discussion with panel joined by Liz Rasekoala - African Caribbean Network for Science and Technology (ACNST)
11.00 Introduction to workshops and details of breakout rooms
11.05 Refreshments
11.30 Session 5: Parallel Workshops
Dr Liz Rasekoala - ACNST
The black hole in science communication
Dr Rasekoala will introduce the Race Relations Amended Act (RRAA), highlight its implications and foster discussion on how the science communication community can facilitate a sustainable framework for the enhancement of race equality in science communication.
Lorelly Wilson - North West Science Alliance
Regional Collaboration for more effective delivery
The North West Science Alliance (NWSA) was recently established to bring together the many organisations in the region who work to raise the profile of science. The workshop will highlight NWSA as a collaborative model and provide opportunities for regionally based organisations or organisations with regional structures to discuss the aims of regional collaboration, how to bring people together, who to involve and when, the advantages, possible pitfalls and problems, and case studies of successful outcomes.
Dr Fiona Barbagallo - The BA & Dr Gail Cardew - The Royal Institution
What role can the science communication community play in consultations?
The workshop will explore how we can be involved at all sorts of levels in consultation processes, ranging from organising a formal consultation process to linking an event to another's consultation. The audience will break into groups and will be asked to consider the following key points: dealing with different agendas; finding out about key report, draft bills and consultation processes; determining the right time to get involved; and exploring what is realistic for us to do. The workshop will end with suggestions on the best way to move forward.
1.00 Lunch
Chair: Professor Helen Haste Department of Psychology, University of Bath
14.30 Session 6: Issues involving science that we might communicate
The final session will identify upcoming scientific areas and reflect on public issues surrounding past and present scientific developments. This session aims to end the conference by horizon scanning for important issues for the science communication community to engage with.
Sir Peter Williams FRS - President of The BA
Back to the future: forecasting the past
Professor Robin Grove-White - Lancaster University and Chair of the Board, Greenpeace UK
Science in its developing social contexts
15.00 Discussion
15.45 Closing remarks
Professor Helen Haste - Department of Psychology, University of Bath
16.00 End day 2
The conference was organised jointly organised by the BA and the Royal Society