The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. At 11.40 pm on April 14, the crow’s nest bell tolled three times, and lookout Frederick Fleet cried: “iceberg, dead ahead!”. The damage to the ship’s watertight containers left the vessel in grave danger. It sank and 1,523 people lost their lives.
Have you ever wondered where icebergs come from? Why are they usually white? And why are they sometimes streaked with colour?
You might like to...
• carry out some research into icebergs; find out what they are; how big they can be; where they are found, etc.
• find out about specific gravity, and conduct tests to see how this effects which things float on water
• find out the difference between a glacier and an iceberg, and how they are related
• find out about light refraction; investigate how different-shaped blocks of ice refract light.
• investigate how global warming is affecting our icebergs and glaciers. How long are they likely to last?
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