The Earth is teeming with life. Even in the most hostile and extreme places, life still hangs on in there. High temperatures, no oxygen, and extreme cold – these are all conditions that life on Earth can tolerate. So, if life can do it here, what about some of the other corners of the Solar System? Where are the top spots for the possibility of life? Surely we cannot be the only place where life can get a foothold?
Have you ever wondered how life can exist in such bizarre places?
You might like to …
• find out about the most extreme conditions that life can cope with here on Earth, and the organisms that live there
• try growing different plants, fungi, bacteria, etc. in different conditions (for example, extreme heat, extreme cold, lots of water, no water)
• set up barren habitats, like bare rock or blocks of ice (kept in a freezer) and investigate what sorts of organisms (if any) can colonize these habitats
• find out what “signs of life” scientists are looking for on other planets
• investigate which other planets or moons might be candidates for life
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